Big Data, in practice
Dear Reader,
I am pleased to write this editorial, at the end of a very busy first quarter 2017. I will keep it short, as our newsletter content is very dense this month.
First of all, I would like to introduce our new website. We have totally updated and overhauled our main website, in line with our group standards: The website covers our entire scope of business: company overview, services, products, a section dedicated to overseas projects, customers, our latest news and link to the independent newsletter website. A lot of the content is new, we appreciate you take some time to review it, as I am quite sure you will learn something new about Siveco.

Now for the newsletter itself:
This month, we are proud to showcase an article written by our customer Baosteel Gases “Operational Excellence & Continuous Improvement: Baosteel Gases Excellence Maintenance Management (EMM) system goes on-line”. I would like to quote Baosteel Gases Project Manager Chen Yi, who authored the article:
“Baosteel Gases considered group deployment from the inception of the project, unlike traditional site-by-site deployment, taking advantage of Big Data analysis and standardized management to smoothly promote the project. The management team is now able to optimize processes and standards by analyzing the data. Thanks to this PDCA approach, efficiency, safety and reliability of plants operation is continuously improved.”
As many of our readers know, there are endless talks about Big Data, but little is done in practice. We believe Baosteel Gases experience is a brilliant example of real-life Big Data for operational improvement in Chinese utilities! Many thanks to the Baosteel Gases team!

The Reliability article “On the Silk Road – Practical tips for working with Chinese builders abroad” summarizes some of our experience working with owners of infrastructures built by Chinese EPC companies. We have been able to work either for owners or for EPCs, acquiring a lot of practical knowledge of using the CMMS for everyone’s benefit. In the past few months, our GM Bruno Lhopiteau has spoken at many conferences on the subject and our EPC team has engaged new clients in South East Asia and Africa.
The Tips & Tricks article “Features of bluebee®” gives an overview of this unique tool designed “for the worker of tomorrow”, to capture information from the field. While many of our clients already use bluebee® (many case studies are available on our website), we realized that some others, especially long-time Coswin users, were not yet familiar with this solution, hence this article. We welcome enquiries on bluebee®!
Finally, our Latest News!
Taylor Huang
Marketing Manager
Marketing Manager