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How sexy is your maintenance?

Previous articles on Lean Manufacturing, Risk Prevention, Cloud Computing and our series of events on “ROI from maintenance: a GM’s perspective” have already shown that maintenance is not just about getting your hands dirty working with machines. Maintenance or Facility Management can be something interesting, entertaining, fascinating, with implications in many other aspects of your business. In a word, maintenance can be sexy!


This issue of our newsletter demonstrates it once again, with a touch of green as the Reliability section highlights previously ignored benefits of our mobile solution bluebee® in terms of paper savings… A new idea perhaps to obtain funding for your maintenance improvement project. More impressive even, for the first time we make us of the multimedia capability of our online newsletter: the Customer Story section contains a very impressive movie showcasing our excellent FM customer CCPG and their utilization of our Property Management System (PMS) both on web and mobile.


Other sections include a Partners article dedicated to Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) and Project Management companies and how they can partner up with us. Tips & Tricks features the Reporting and Business Intelligence capability of our COSWIN CMMS. Finally, you will read the usual Latest News – the sexiest of them being that we have won a silver medal at the “2010 Motorola Enterprise Mobility Solutions Industrial Applications Grand Prix” (the gold went to a company in a totally different field)!


Another month, another “Maintenance in China” newsletter! Our months are so filled with activities and learning experiences that our onsite teams continuously produce content for our newsletter. In the coming months, you can also expect more seminars and events where we and our customers will continue share what we have learnt. In the meantime, enjoy this month’s newsletter! Enjoy the CCPG movie!


General Manager
Siveco China

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