Prioritizing HSE in Smart 4.0 projects
Dear Reader,
The first quarter of 2019 has been exciting for us at Siveco. Although Q1 is normally the weakest quarter for business in the region (due to the Chinese New Year holidays) we have managed to sign a record number of Smart O&M contracts in our main target segments:
Environment (municipal water groups and waste treatment plants),
New Energy (urban energy projects and industrial gas suppliers) and
Belt & Road projects (most recently in Thailand)

The kick-off meeting in Hongcheng Water Industry
As well as a few manufacturing deals (still a very conservative market in spite of all the Industrial 4.0 talk). Many thanks to all our new clients, I am looking forward to a successful journey together!
Recent months have also seen major industrial trends becoming reality, which have been at the core to our Siveco strategy (and in particular our R&D investment) for many years already, as regular readers of this newsletter since 2010 have observed. Namely: the emergence of Smart or 4.0, the development of the Belt & Road and the priority given to industrial risk prevention. With Chinese companies as trend-setter, innovators or at least major implementers, but not merely followers anymore.
An explosion ripped through Chenjiagang Chemical Park in Yancheng, Jiangsu province on March 21, which killed 78 people and seriously injured 79. A few months before, in November 2018, an explosion at Shenghua Chemical in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province killed 23 and injured 22. Those deadly chemical blasts are not to be considered as setbacks, but tragedies that clearly reinforce the determination of Chinese companies to prioritize industrial risk prevention.
This is the main topic of this month’s newsletter focused on Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) with a Reliability article on Another industrial disaster, another wake-up call for maintenance and a reprint of the article Achieving Better Risk Prevention in Chinese Terminals initially published in the international Tank Storage magazine, featuring our customer LBC Shanghai Shipping Terminal. The Tips & Tricks article also features Strong support for HSE with Coswin 8i, further illustrating the link between HSE and maintenance.
This month’s Customer Story tells the experience of Arkema Changshu. We have worked with specialty chemical leader Arkema in many sites, implementing our Coswin plant maintenance solution in their Bostik subsidiary sites in Changshu and Guangzhou, and conducting maintenance consulting assignments in their Shanghai, Changshu and Kerteh, Malaysia plant (a good illustration of our Belt & Road capability to export maintenance excellence from China). The article titled Siveco assists Arkema Changshu in CMMS data collection best practices explains our involvement in building up the equipment database for the entire Changshu chemical production complex, Arkema’s largest worldwide.
Siveco people tells of Siveco support teams fosters continuous improvement with annual on-site assessments. The quarter has also been rich in news, articles and even a podcast interview. You can find them all in our Latest News. At Siveco, we never stop!
In our next newsletter, you will see that the focus on HSE is also visible in our latest annual customer satisfaction survey, which enjoyed a high 90% response rate. Individual results have already been discussed with customers, all clients will receive the full analysis report in the coming weeks and a summary of our findings will be published in the April newsletter!
In the meantime, please enjoy this month’s articles!
Bruno Lhopiteau
Managing Director
Siveco China
Managing Director
Siveco China