Summer collection
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the Summer 2017 edition of our “Maintenance in China” newsletter! As usual we wanted to take it easy during summertime, so we chose to collect some of our most popular articles.
But first, a snapshot from our half-year management meeting held on July 14 (more on this meeting in this article ) that shows that we and our customers are true maintenance heroes!

I would especially like to highlight the Reliability piece A practical bluebee®-driven PAS 55 / ISO 55000 implementation. As many of our readers already know, since May 1, 2017, ISO 55000 has become effective in China as a local standard GB/T 33172. This is not a surprise for us at Siveco, as we have worked with this standard and its practical implementation in Chinese projects for many years already. As some of our clients have recently found out, you can even be ISO 55000-compliant without knowing it (more on this in a future newsletter)!
The other articles are: 2017 Maintenance in China survey: does maintenance play a role in the China Dream?, two Customer Stories by Baosteel Gases (article written by the customer) and SCIP SITA Waste Services (the video case study) and two Tips & Tricks articles on 5 reasons GMs chose to upgrade to Coswin 8i (many of our clients have upgraded to the latest version and do not regret it!) and True lifecycle management with BIM and 3D models on another hot topic that our company has pioneered!
I hope you will also enjoy our little “musical” surprise in the Siveco people article French National Day celebration at Siveco Shanghai… My apologies to those with sensitive ears… Finally, our Latest news.
The next issue of our newsletter will be the 80th… For this special anniversary, our marketing team has come up with a clever idea to celebrate. See you at the end of September! In the meantime, enjoy this newsletter and enjoy the summer!
General Manager
Siveco China
General Manager
Siveco China