Think local, act global for Maintenance 4.0 on the Belt & Road
Dear Reader,
For us at Siveco, the second quarter of the year is always the time to share experience with other Siveco companies worldwide. Thanks to the network structure of our group, experience flows from everywhere, not only top-down. China’s very dynamic market allows Siveco China to be at the forefront of Maintenance 4.0 innovation, while drawing on decades of best practices in mature markets, which in turn benefit from our innovations. A good example of such cross-fertilization is the recent deal of Siveco France to deliver an integrated CMMS-BIM solution for all railway stations in France.
Another example is our project for Italian automotive supplier Sogefi (this month’s Customer story), now implementing Coswin 8i in a second Chinese plant. Based on our success here, Sogefi is planning to deploy Coswin elsewhere in the world. Italy has always been an important market for Siveco and our customers’ meeting, under the familiar Maintenance 4.0 theme, was held at the VIP lounge of the prestigious Juventus Stadium in Turin.
The world media was abuzz as the Belt & Road Forum for International Cooperation was taking place in the Chinese capital, a gathering of presidents, senior officials and businessmen under the blue skies of Beijing. As our readers well know, Siveco has been active on the New Silk Road for close to twelve years already! In the footsteps of Zheng He and Marco Polo, our readers are also familiar with Siveco China has experienced rapid expansion in global markets in support of Chinese and Korean EPC companies, all over Asia and as far as Africa.
Always a contrarian, I am tempted to call this approach: “Think local, act global”!
In this newsletter, we are pleased to share a translation of my interview with the Connexions magazine “Clear and transparent directions”. The interview (straight from the horse’s mouth!) gives a good overview of our business, very much in line with the Made in China 2025 and China Dream and Belt & Road megatrends.
This month’s Partner article features 3D plant design software leader Cadmatic, as we have integrated their 3D “BIM” solution into our Maintenance 4.0 suite for several years already. The Siveco people article covers our customer training session on optimizing Coswin usage.
Finally, our Latest news. We are particularly proud of Beijing Haidian Waste-to-Energy Plant starts its operation with Coswin 8i, Siveco unveils its latest bluebee® for WeChat at the IE expo China 2017, Asia’s leading environmental show and Rugading Power Station (Malaysia) goes live with Coswin 8i! Well done team!
I invite our readers to join our happy journeys on the One Belt One Road (OBOR), the New Silk Road!
General Manager
Siveco China
General Manager
Siveco China