2016 Customer Satisfaction Survey Report
In this month’s newsletter, we are pleased to share the results of our 2016 customer satisfaction survey, with very good results overall and interesting improvement ideas. The survey is conducted yearly as part of our ISO 9001 quality management system. All our customers have received a detailed survey report with improvement actions.
Respondent profile
The response rate was very high compared to industry average, reflecting a high level of engagement of our clients. This is confirmed by the high proportion of management-level respondents.

More customers upgraded to Coswin 8i, which is entirely web-based, easier to maintain/support and provide various user interface and functional improvements. Many of our customers have already implemented mobile solutions (33%, adding bluebee® on Coswin and bluebee® cloud): mobility is more than hype, it is actually used! bluebee® cloud is used as designed, for large multi-site clients with many users: one third of all Siveco users are on bluebee® cloud (all of them are using bluebee® mobile or tablet).
Project delivery
Siveco’s project delivery is unique in our industry, as it combines maintenance consulting services and the use of IT tools to deliver maintenance improvement. Figures show very high satisfaction rates among our customers:

Based on last year’s survey, training was identified as a key area in 2016. Various initiatives were taken during the year, putting more emphasis on planning, execution and follow-up of training during project delivery. ISO 55000 maintenance management training, has proven popular with clients. Such training was delivered to large customers such as various joint-ventures of Suez Group (the Incineration Business Unit of Suez Asia won the Gold Award at the company’s Innovation Trophies 2015 for our “Maintenance Inception Training”), Capital Water and Carrefour.

Satisfaction with training in 2016 was very good overall, but we note the improvement potential (to increase the “very satisfied ratio”). This will be a key objective for Siveco in 2017: our trainers will receive specific coaching, training material will be improved (recruitment of a dedicated technical writer) and the company has acquired online training tools. An online training platform will be made available during 2017.
One of the improvement actions defined based on the 2015 survey, regular training focused on system operations was offered to clients under support. Three sessions were conducted during the year, with customers coming from all over China. This training was highly welcomed and also allowed exchange of ideas between clients in different industries. Quarterly training will continue in 2017.

Siveco pioneered the development of standard mobile solutions since 2008, as well as cloud solutions in 2010 with R&D in Shanghai, which explains the large proportion of Siveco client using mobile solutions.
Product satisfaction was high in 2016, as new versions introduced in 2014-2015 are now very mature (Coswin 8i, bluebee® on Android) with no reliability issues. Users with older versions show generally slightly lower levels of satisfaction with product, which confirms the need to upgrade whenever possible to the latest versions of both Coswin and bluebee®. There is of course room for improvement: the key priority for Siveco R&D in 2017 is to further improve user experience.

See this month’s Tips & Tricks article from more insights about our clients’ interest in newly introduced features of bluebee®.
The question about the “Maintenance in China” newsletter, the largest newsletter on this topic in China, shows that more than 50% of our customers find it interesting. Note that most readers of this newsletter are not (not yet!) Siveco clients.

We see that readers in top management positions and maintenance experts are in general more interested in the Siveco newsletter than engineers or IT. This perhaps reflects the newsletter current focus on improvement topics rather than pure technical issues.
In 2016, Siveco’s WeChat account was released, with many news including articles originally published in our newsletter (adjusted to the shorter WeChat format). This has received excellent feedback from readers, as a good alternative to the email newsletter: this is especially true of more technical users who were previously less interested in the newsletter. In 2017, Siveco will continue to find new ways to interact with customers at all levels.
The survey asked customers how they perceive the benefits obtained using our solutions.

Most “not clear” feedback emanates from end-users, again reflecting different perspective between engineers and top managers (which is normal). Siveco project delivery methodology and training should continue to address this difference of point-of-view in order to increase customer satisfaction.
Finally, we asked if clients were willing to recommend Siveco products and services to their networks, the ultimate proof of satisfaction (and a powerful marketing channel for Siveco).

The purpose of the survey is to constantly improve our customer service. As a result of this survey, improvement actions for 2017 have been defined based on our findings and will be managed by our Customer Service team as part of the company’s quality management process.
A more detailed report was also sent to all customers, along with a list of improvement actions taken in 2016 (based on last year’s survey) and actions planned for 2017.