True lifecycle management with BIM and 3D models
Using BIM (Building Information Modelling) for Facilities Lifecycle Management has become a hot topic in the last few years, but it is never implemented in practice. One reason is a lack of understanding of maintenance by design institutes and BIM vendors or related company. Another reason is the lack of suitable technological tools. In this month’s reliability, we explained our views of integrated BIM-FM systems and how they should be used. In this article, we would like to illustrate this integration using the real-life integration made between the Cadmatic design tools and our bluebee® facilities management system. Cadmatic ( is a leading supplier of 3D software with a focus on plant and ship design, and a Siveco Value-Added Partner. The standard integration is based on Cadmatic’s eBrowser and Siveco’s bluebee® cloud.
As part of their facility management dashboard in the bluebee® cloud web portal, users can also view the 3D model:

In the 3D model, users can zoom and navigate, but also access and create maintenance information through a menu. For example to create a work order on the selected object.

A new Work Order has been created. The screenshot shows the Work Order screen, with the equipment code of the selected 3D object.

On the other hand, the 3D model can be accessed from a specific equipment view. Here we select the target equipment in a functional structure.

The equipment screen is opened, with a 3D view centered on that equipment available directly in the 3D view tab. From that 3D view, users can better visualize the equipment in the plant, its accessibility, connected pipes and processes, in order to better prepare the work activity.

The same 3D view is available directly in the bluebee® cloud Work Order screen: when preparing their Work Order (or Preventive Maintenance template), users have direct access to a 3D view of the target equipment.

From the equipment-centered 3D views, users can access all functionality of the eBroswer (measurements, connected objects, highlights, 3D navigation, etc.).