BIM for Asset Management
Since 2011, Siveco China has been at the forefront of BIM for Asset Management, thanks on the company’s long experience implementing Asset Management solutions during construction.
BIM (Building Information Modelling) is fast becoming mandatory in large buildings and infrastructure projects, yet its actual usage for operation and maintenance remains an open question. One reason is a lack of understanding of maintenance by engineering companies, BIM vendors and related companies. Another is the lack of suitable technological tools.

Unlike IT vendors, Siveco is an Asset Management consultancy familiar with real-life Operation & Maintenance. Siveco has developed BIM for Asset Management solutions, based on its popular Coswin 8i and bluebee® cloud platforms, designed “for O&M people by O&M people”. Drawing on its long experience providing data preparation services during construction, Siveco also delivers consulting services to ensure the BIM model is prepared in line with operational needs.
Why BIM for Asset Management?
The use of BIM for Asset Management or O&M has become a requirement in many new government-owned infrastructures or large-scale industrial projects.
The main objectives are:
To ensure handover of technical data from construction to O&M (the same role the “turnkey CMMS” plays in greenfield plant projects)
To provide easy navigation into complex technical data (but not as usually imagined by BIM vendors)
To use BIM data to help optimize work (preparation, work permits, routing)
To keep the BIM “alive” after construction (Lifecycle BIM)
For more on this subject, see our newsletter article on “BIM and Facilities Management: why and how?”
BIM data preparation for O&M
Siveco provides consulting services to ensure the BIM model is prepared in accordance to O&M needs. During construction, bluebee® cloud with BIM integration acts as the maintenance data collection platform, compliant with all relevant standards (PAS 1192, BS 1192, ISO 55000, EN 15331, ISO/TS 16952, IEC 81346, EN 13460 and ISO 14224). The system is used to prepare and upload O&M data, linked to the BIM model. Data preparation progress is monitored through KPIs. All data can be accessed, with a 3D viewer embedded in the bluebee® portal.
BIM for Asset Management solutions
Since 2011, Siveco has developed innovative technologies in its bluebee® lab (Shanghai) to address the emerging needs of BIM for Asset Management. In early 2016, Siveco released of its standard integration module bluebee® cloud for Revit®, as part of the company’s Maintenance 4.0 suite. The same platform is now available for multiple BIM software such as Cadmatic, Navisworks, BIMserver and can now accommodate virtually any BIM model formats.

In 2018, similar features were released for our plant maintenance software Coswin 8i. Coswin 8i features a fully integrated BIM viewer based on IFC standard. The viewer allows opening the 3D model directly from relevant Coswin screens. The interface also provides all the necessary import tools to create equipment objects from the BIM model.

Case studies
Siveco’s BIM for Asset Management solutions are already in use in the industry and BIM integration is a standard feature of our solutions. Customers include French Railway company SNCF, oil company CNOOC, waste treatment plant OWTF, etc.